首页 > 作文大全>中国传统节日的英文翻译


日期:2021-09-28 22:14:36人气:+


  春节the spring festival ( new year's day of the chinese lunar calendar)农历正月初一

  元宵节(灯节)the lantern festival 农历正月十五

  清明节the qing ming festival/tomb-sweeping day四月五日

  端午节the dragon-boat festiva农历五月初五

  中秋节the mid autumn festival(the moon festival)农历八月十五

  重阳节the double ninth festival农历九月初九


  元旦new year's day jan.1

  国际劳动妇女节international working women' s day(women's day) mar.8

  国际劳动节nternatlonal labor day(may. day)may.1

  中国青年节chinese youth day may.4 joozone.com

  国际儿童节international children's day(children's day)june .1

  中国共产党诞生纪念日(党的生日)anniversary of the foundlng of the chinesecommunist party( the party' s birthday)july .1

  建军节army day august .1

  教师节teachers ' day sept.1

  国庆节national dey oct.1


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