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日期:2021-09-28 18:02:06人气:+




  I regret that there is very little, but just like wind, blows over, but one thing made me The imprint is engraved on my heart.


  This year's school anniversary, the teacher selected works to participate in the exhibition. When the teacher announced the news, I decided to go on a ranch. I'm ready for cardboard, razor blades and double-sided adhesive, and I'm ready to do it. I cut the cardboard into different shapes with a razor blade, made a triangle of the roof, and put it up with double-sided glue, and became the owner's house.


  But in a moment, the house that had just been built fell. I was so sad that I thought, "is it difficult to make a shepherd house?" Do I have to give up? No, I can not! I started doing it again. This time I used 2 double faced adhesive, and it was covered with a layer of transparent adhesive. I thought I would never fall down again. As a result, a gust of wind blew and the house fell again, and I lost heart. Thought: "forget it, this is too difficult, and has its efforts in this white, it is better to read more."." So I gave up and never did, and threw it away.


  A month later, I went to the exhibition and looked at a beautiful piece of art. I really regret it! The face is burning. I see. Only those who hold on to the end will succeed.



  Sunny day, I told my mother to buy me a "one hundred thousand why", my mother gave me 20 yuan, I went to the bookstore happily to buy books.


  When I got to the bookstore, I saw a lot of neat books on the shelves, and a row of them. I could hardly find the book "one hundred thousand whys". I saw it in the back. It was 15 yuan altogether, and my mother gave me 20 yuan. I think I can find 5 yuan. I arrived at the checkout counter and waited like a long line. I am the last one, such as a long time to see my aunt, the cashier behind a book as 10 yuan to 15 yuan to 20 yuan, I gave the cashier aunt, aunt to me 10 yuan, I want to find my aunt more money. I "bent" quietly out of the bookstore, I thought: I have 10 yuan to give aunt or not to go straight home, I appear to get home, take the rest of the money to the mother, mother asked: "this book is how much?" I said 10 yuan, mom can not believe it.


  In the evening, I lie on the bed, still think in my heart, aunt more find me 5 yuan of money, this is a thing that I regret.



  Every time I read this "regret" in a book or newspaper, I still don't understand. Now, I finally understand that it is so bitter.


  I remember when I went to school that afternoon, I asked my mother for 1 yuan. I said it was for stationery. But I bought a pack of ice jelly and a bottle of ice drink at the booth. It was just one yuan. To the school, I will open the ice jelly, "Hu, Hu Chi" to put ice jelly sucking, while eating, "00 bite, bite 00." Beginning third classes, I thought to myself: "no, the big thing is bad. After school this afternoon, my mother will come to pick me up. I still have a bottle of ice drink. I haven't finished it."!


  After school, my classmates and I go together, she is my drinking ice drinks, mom is looking at me, waiting for her to drink to my mother, all understand, to fly into a rage, look her in the eyes, anxious heart. Without demur, came to me, let me be startled at, I trembled with fear, I think: "the storm is coming. But mother but sincere words and earnest wishes said: "the children, you want to buy something, mom to give you money, but don't lie to my mother."


  Mother, this sentence is deeply printed in my heart, every time I think of this matter, the regret of the heart will arise.



  Every man has one or two things he regrets, and I am no exception. What I regret most is not to protect my eyes.


  Remember before, my mother often told me: "pay attention to eye hygiene, to protect the eyes."." But I took it as ear wind and said, "I see."! I see!" One side still goes its own way. In the summer of grade two, when I finished my homework, I watched TV or watched computers and played games until my eyes were so tired and tired that I didn't want to stop.


  After a summer vacation, I found that the words on the blackboard had become blurred, and the scenery in the distance had not become very clear. The characters on the TV screen were not clear. This worried my father and mother. They took me to a special eye hospital for examination. It's so bad. I've got 150 degrees of myopia. The doctor told me: "myopia is so much, must wear glasses."." My father bought me a pair of glasses. This pair of glasses became an important part of my study. I might never be able to do without my glasses again.


  The doctor also said that myopia can not be restored, and may continue to rise, I am worried, will not see anything later. I regret that I didn't listen to my mother, but now it's too late. I can only try to protect my eyes and look at the distance and the green plants.


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